Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Vitale Vindication

I'm becoming quite intriguied by the ESPN ombudsman. Mostly, I'm excited to finally figure out what an ombudsman is. Today I was excited to read that he gave props to Dick Vitale, even addressing the perception that he is biased towards Duke. Keep an eye on his column off the front page of ESPN.com.

I like to think of Fyall as my ombudsman. I'm just glad I don't have to say that sentence out loud.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love ombudsmen. Perhaps my favorite was the embattled Daniel Okrent, former NYTimes ombudsman who came into the position after Jayson Blair, who was on duty through the many Judy Miller debacles.

The Washington Post ombudsman is a disaster. Earlier this year, she had to write corrections for two consecutive ombudsman columns.

I don't like ESPN's. For the quantity of programming that ESPN produces, the guy doesn't write near enough. Job probably doesn't pay enough for more attention.

But anyway. I'm writing because I figured out an amazing thing about ombudsman. Okrent, I learned last week, INVENTED ROTO FANTASY BASEBALL! That has got to be the awesomest most sweet thing ever that any past, present or future ombdusman can claim. Roto!

4/04/2006 9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To clarify: I liked Okrent before the roto discovery. I thought he was very aggressive in-house, quite up-front with his shortfalls, and combatative in a good way. He took on Paul Krugman, which was impressive, and wrote well about the Time's handling after Miller was released from jail.

4/04/2006 10:00 AM  

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