The Original Glue Guy
In his NBA Playoff Preview, the Sports Guy called Josh Howard "the best Glue Guy in the league." Upon reading that, I had a notion that Josh Pace was the original Glue Guy. I don't remember hearing the term until after SU won the title and everyone was trying to explain what exactly Pace did for the Orange.
Am I wrong? Let's go to the source of all universal truth...Google.
Well, the first site that comes up for the search ' "Glue Guy" "Josh Pace" ' has a brilliant photo:

It's from an SI on Campus article by Seth Davis dated November 2004, listing 16 Glue-Guys (and girls) for the upcoming NCAA basketball season. Josh Pace is number one on the list.
But right below it is a link to an earlier Seth Davis article from February 2004. Turns out its his fifth annual All-Glue Team.
Well, there goes my theory. I thought it was a Jay Bilas creation. I guess I owe Seth Davis some props. Also, props due to James Landis.
Case closed. It was worth it for the picture, wasn't it?
Am I wrong? Let's go to the source of all universal truth...Google.
Well, the first site that comes up for the search ' "Glue Guy" "Josh Pace" ' has a brilliant photo:

It's from an SI on Campus article by Seth Davis dated November 2004, listing 16 Glue-Guys (and girls) for the upcoming NCAA basketball season. Josh Pace is number one on the list.
But right below it is a link to an earlier Seth Davis article from February 2004. Turns out its his fifth annual All-Glue Team.
Well, there goes my theory. I thought it was a Jay Bilas creation. I guess I owe Seth Davis some props. Also, props due to James Landis.
Case closed. It was worth it for the picture, wasn't it?
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