Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jim Calhoun's Rant

As a fan, I hate UConn. The Huskies, like any great college basketball program, are embodied by their coach, Jim Calhoun, so I hate him too. At the same time, I'm self-aware enough to realize that my feelings about Calhoun are completely colored by my being a fan of Syracuse, and are thus hardly based in reality.

True, there are a few examples of Calhoun's actions, behavior, or demeanor that I could cite to suggest his character isn't perfect. On the other hand, we're talking about a guy who has beaten cancer three times. It's hard not to respect that.

But the bottom line is, I don't know the guy. Never met him, and I probably never will. So I'll just go on suggesting that he is the mastermind of some sort of laptop thievery crime ring, safe in the knowledge that Calhoun will never hear, much less care, about what I'm blathering about.

That said, I loved his rant today. LOVED IT. Well done, sir.

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