An email I recently received...
Dear Paul!
Your blog is awesome, baby! I have one question, and since you're a fan of both Lost and the Syracuse Orange, I thought you'd be the one to answer it! If SU's team were characters on Lost, who would they be?!
Thank you very much!
Richard Vitale, Tampa, FL
Well Richard, it just so happens I've been thinking about the same thing. I've come up with some (admittedly imperfect) answers below. I'd love to know what you or anyone else thinks of them.
Here's who they'd be...
Mr. Eko = Eric Devendorf: Mysterious, and a little frightening. Arose from a dark past to play a remarkable role for a brief moment in time. Never fully understood or appreciated by most fans. People have already forgotten how great he was. In the end, the
island took him.
Shannon Rutherford = Paul Harris: VERY attractive in early appearances, but ultimately they killed her/him off at just the right time.
Charlie Pace = Jonny Flynn: Everyone's favorite character while he was around. Many will argue that his departure came at the perfect moment, that his narrative arc was complete, and that his exit served a greater purpose for the show. Still, I was sad to see him go and, seriously, you know he'd be great this season if he had stuck around. Of course, his presence is still felt around the team anyway via Hurley/Twitter.
Smoke Monster/Man in Black = Doug Gottlieb: He's been searching for a loophole to kill Jacob (see below) for his entire life. Fortunately, we all know good will triumph over evil.
Charles Widmore = Jim Calhoun: We love to hate him, but we don't want him to die. The story is better when he's a part of it.
Benjamin Linus = Bernie Fine: Pulling all sorts of strings to control the players, but ultimately he's not in charge.
? (Jacob's Replacement) = Mike Hopkins: Jacob's (see below) heir. Even Jacob isn't immortal.
Richard Alpert = Rob Murphy: A great recruiter and assistant. He knows a lot of secrets.
Jacob = Boeheim: A few years ago, he left his home and traveled far and wide meeting people, touching them, and calling them to their destiny. Now all the pieces are in place and he can finally win that Coach of the Year trophy he's long been coveting. Also, there are interesting parallels between Jacob's free will philosophy and Boeheim's open offense - "It's your choice... You can shoot, pass, or drive."
James "Sawyer" Ford = Mookie Jones: Loner. Wildcard. Gunslinger. Moody. Prone to outbursts. There the similarities end, as Sawyer has taken on the massive role that female fans hoped he would have, while Mookie has remained on the bench much more than a vocal minority of SU fans demand he should.
Sun Kwon = Brandon Triche: For a while, it looked like he/she would be extremely important. Now it's not so clear what his/her role is ultimately going to be. We care about him/her, and remember his/her key moments fondly, but now our attention has turned elsewhere. We'd never admit it, but deep down, we're confused at why he/she is still starting.
Kate Austen = Scoop Jardine: Moves fast. Crafty. Easily underestimated by foes.
Criminal indiscretions in the past. Gets along with everyone on the team. Brings a dose of sanity if the guys are getting out of control. Loves to climb up/drive past tall trees. Looks VERY sexy when passing the basketball/wearing underwear.
Hugo "Hurley" Reyes = Rick Jackson: Our affection for him just keeps growing with every season. He'll be lurking around in the background in an episode, chiming in every once in a while and then out of nowhere he'll take center stage and run with it, making a massive contribution. If his confidence ever matches his skill set, he could really take things over.
Sayid Jarrah = Arinze Onuaku: Surprisingly talented and intriguing for a guy with a foreign-sounding name. Still surviving after all those brushes with death/career ending injuries. Always doing his bit to help. Less likable than Hurley, but ultimately more important to the least so far.
Desmond Hume = Kris Joseph: Sexy, talented, lovable. There isn't a better guy coming off the bench. If he's carrying the show for you, you're in great shape. In fact, I think next season Kris Joseph should start calling himself, "The Constant." Wouldn't that be a sweet nickname? In fact, I want you all to start calling ME The Constant.
John Locke = Andy Rautins: Plays the game on a different mental plane from everyone else. Thus, his style naturally sets him apart from his teammates. Arose from a devastating injury to become more powerful than anyone could imagine. Throws knives/threes with deadly precision. Usually makes great decisions, but has been known to make memorably terrible plays as well. Also, since Rautins is made of glass, he's the most likely to end up being literally carried around by a bunch of walk-ons from game to game late in the season.
Jack Shepherd = Wes Johnson: If this was a comparison of Lost actors to SU players, Wes would be Michael Emerson; if I had told you four seasons ago he'd be carrying the show, your response would be, "Who?" But we're talking characters, so Wes has to be Jack. He's been through rough patches in his careers, and has struggled with self-doubt. Ultimately though, the fate of everyone comes down to him. He's the (spinal/basketball) surgeon. And yet, you get the sense that part of him will always be unwilling to fully embrace that role, that behind all the adorable smiles the uncertainty remains. He'll have to overcome that before the end. Whatever happens, you can bet it's going to be a memorable March (and April and May).
Labels: Lost, Syracuse Orange basketball