Friday, September 08, 2006

Welcome and Thank You

I fear that my biggest problem as a blogger will prove to be my consistent inability to generate original thought. For instance this story:

Paul and I spoke last night about the possiblity of me joining the Sports Sauna, and I was both flattered and excited. This morning, he sent me the invitation. It sat there in my inbox, unread and vaguely menacing, until I navigated mid-day, as I often do, to this site. I read then Paul's introduction, and realized immediately that I needed to respond.

I react to Paul. He is my instigator. Only time will tell if I can learn to stand alone, however shakily, as a contributor. Here's hoping.

More immediately, here's reacting:
1. I love the West Coast, and Seattle most specifically. This is true.
2. I love Chelsea. It feels like rooting for the Yankees, only with less class, and less sophistication. You know that aura that surrounds everything in pin-stripes, that haze of history and grandeur? There's none of that here. We're brash, we're Chelski, we're basically America's answer to football. Holla.
3. It was awful.
4. Yes. True. And a desire to keep it.
5. I love the Sonics. Without Kevin Calabro, our great announcer, and the Reign Man (The Reign Man is dead, Shawn Kemp lives on) I would not be a sports fan. 63-19. I'm just saying. Go Supes. Er, well, stay Supes. But, viva la Sonics.

Finally, thanks and welcome. Go Orange.


Blogger Lizzie said...

Is it bad that I'm almost more excited for what you have to say than Paul? Because I am.

9/10/2006 4:13 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

An honor and a pleasure, Liz.

9/11/2006 6:19 PM  

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